Germain Gauthier

Assistant Professor of Economics
Department of Social and Political Sciences
Bocconi University
curriculum vitae


Current Research

Measuring Crime Incidence and Reporting: Method and Application to #MeToo

The Lifecycle of Protests in the Digital Age
(with Pierre Boyer, Yves Le Yaouanq, Vincent Rollet & Benoît Schmutz)

Deep Latent Variable Models for Unstructured Data
(with Elliott Ash & Philine Widmer)

generalized_topic_models: A Python Package to Estimate Neural Topic Models
(with Elliott Ash & Philine Widmer)

The Political Effects of X’s Recommender Algorithm
(with Roland Hodler, Philine Widmer & Ekaterina Zhuravskaya)

Neural Ideal Point Models
(with Hugo Subtil & Philine Widmer)

IdealPointNN: A Python Package to Estimate Neural Ideal Point Models
(with Hugo Subtil & Philine Widmer)


Relatio: Text Semantics Capture Political and Economic Narratives
(with Elliott Ash & Philine Widmer)
Political Analysis, 2023
arxiv version, replication files

Les déterminants de la mobilisation des “Gilets Jaunes”
(with Pierre Boyer, Thomas Delemotte, Vincent Rollet & Benoît Schmutz)
Revue Economique, Vol. 71 - 1. Jan. 2020
policy brief, column


On the Use of Two-Way Fixed Effects Models for Policy Evaluation During Pandemics
arxiv version, replication files


Graduate Level - Diversity and Global Policy (Bocconi, 2023/2024)

Undergraduate Level - Public Finance (Bocconi, 2023/2024)

Graduate Level - Text as Data for the Social Sciences (LMU, 2022/2023)

Graduate Level - Introductory Course to Stata (CREST, 2020)


relatio: A Python package to extract simple narrative statements from large text corpora
github, pypi

generalized_topic_models: A Python package to estimate flexible neural topic models

IdealPointNN: A Python package to estimate neural ideal point models